Our Values

At Connecting for Results, we believe in the importance of ethical practices. We’ve instilled a code of conduct that we follow with our team and clients.


This policy gives our team guidelines on our business ethics and principles.


This policy applies to everyone we employ or have business relations with. This includes individual people such as employees (full-time, part-time, contract), interns, volunteers, and business entities, such as vendors, enterprise customers or venture capital companies.

Conflict of Interest

Conflict of interest may occur whenever an employee’s interest in a particular subject leads to actions, activities, or relationships that undermine Connecting for Results. This includes situations such as using your position’s authority for your own personal gain or exploiting company resources to support a personal money-making business. Even when you seemingly act to our advantage, you may actually disadvantage CFR. Acting in this manner will not be tolerated.

Other Components

We base our business values on common principles of ethics including: 

Respect for others

Treat people as you want to be treated

Integrity and honesty

Tell the truth and avoid any wrongdoing to the best of your ability


Make sure you are objective and fair and don’t disadvantage others


Know and follow the law – always

Competence and accountability

Work hard and be responsible for your work


Collaborate and ask for help

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