Direct Mail Expansion Study

Oct 13, 2021 | Case Study


National organization that supplies many small and medium size companies with a significant amount of digital print and services, wanted to expand their direct mail offering, and needed a strategic review to determine the best way to achieve growth.    


CFR Solution:

A CFR team including industry experts who have owned and operated successful direct mail companies was assembled to conduct this detailed review. Following a current state analysis of internal and external capabilities, several options were identified for consideration.


  1. Build DM production capabilities with additional equipment, expertise and infrastructure. 
  2. Continue to outsource projects to pre-qualified preferred DM vendors, and build infrastructure to support a significant expansion
  3. Purchase an existing firm that has DM capabilities 



The CFR team thoroughly analyzed each option and developed a road map, budget and risk analysis to accomplish each option. The detailed information permitted the executive management to make an informed decision that would enable the organization to expand Direct Mail sales 8 times over 3 years!

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