Lessons Learned: Teamwork

Sep 8, 2023 | Article, Organizational Development

In this series our CEO, Gord Griffiths, reflects on lessons learned throughout his years in the printing industry.

You do not need to love or even like your teammates at work just respect, trust, and complement their strengths.

One of the best management teams I was ever on was made of all different skill sets, but together, under a great leader who knew us all, we were explosive.

When I was the manufacturing manager for the company and complained about the lack of sales, the general manager would show me a pile of new customers’ work. Later, I became responsible for sales and I complained about quality, and I was shown the pile of award-winning work.

Overtime I learned not to complain to the boss but address the problem with the person directly responsible. With this approach, I found no problem was unsolvable.

I’ve learned so many lessons from a leader who took the time to be a mentor.

By Gord Griffiths

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