Students Granted Scholarships at Annual Awards Night

Dec 18, 2023 | Article, Corporate Social Responsibility

On November 28, 2023, Graphic Communications Management (GCM) faculty, friends, donors and students at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) celebrated a night of excellence in print education.

Our COO, Bob Dale, joined this year’s annual GCM Awards Night, presenting scholarships to the students and congratulating them on their achievements. Bob was joined by Mike Halliwell from Kodak / Digital Imaging Association (DIA) and Domtar’s Stephane Dagenais.

Other scholarship presenters included: Martin Boucher (Fujifilm), Marlys Brothers (Ricoh Canada), Nithya Caleb (Annex Business Media), Alec Couckuyt (Maracle), Jeff Ekstein (Willow Printing), Jason Foubert (DIA / Marquis), Jordan Jones (Marquis), Ryan Mair (Staples), Mike Meshkati (SinaLite), Mike Miserany (Nekoosa), Matt Serwin (Spicers), Renee Walsh (TI Group).

Thanks to the support from the Canadian Print Scholarships, print students across the country are eligible to receive financial and moral support to enhance, and many time enable, their studies. Many would not be able to achieve these great accomplishments without the generosity of the scholarship trust fund and its industry donors.

Each year, over $135,000 is distributed to Canadian Printing Industries Scholarship recipients, including over 90 students in all years of study who are awarded a scholarship.

Congratulations to all the scholarship recipients. Your hard work and dedication has achieved the highest standards. We look forward to many more of your accomplishments at GCM and in your future careers!

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