Marketing has become a part of the conversation for many printers now more than ever. However, the difference between Sales and Marketing can often be hard to define.
While both are essential areas of business activity, they are unique and often work together to achieve revenue goals. Though some may argue the lines between the two can be blurred, they are distinct in their approach and objectives.
Sales or Marketing?
In simple terms, the difference between Sales and Marketing is found in their objectives and the types of activities they use to achieve their goals. While both help to generate and increase revenue, Sales includes the activities involved in selling goods and service, directly connecting with prospects and clients. Activities include client calls, emails, virtual and in-person meetings, product demos, site visits, etc.
In contrast, Marketing aims to generate leads by increasing awareness with engaging content. It encompasses multiple channels (both digital and traditional) and various types of materials or experiences (case studies, press releases, infographics, articles, webinars, events, etc.). It also includes defining and maintaining a company’s brand and culture.
How they work together
There is often a disconnect between the two functions. This is likely the result of lack of communication, poor collaboration skills, or even budgets. In an effort to align, Sales and Marketing can work in an interconnected way to achieve the best results.
For example:
- Sales can share customer feedback with Marketing on key issues troubling clients to help with marketing materials for target audiences.
- Utilizing a marketing piece, such as a case study, newsletter, or DM, can be followed up with a sales call.
- Solutions-focused messaging can be used by both Sales and Marketing to help build a strong brand and customer awareness.
With the emergence of virtual selling and customer self-service, the role of the salesperson is undoubtedly shifting. While leaning into solution selling and providing expertise, they are also relying more on Marketing to get the right messages across the company’s various promotional channels.
When done effectively, the two work seamlessly like a well-oiled machine, stronger together than they are separately.
By Nicole Morrison