Tips to Stay in the Game Long Term

Tips to Stay in the Game Long Term

A lean and team-centric approach allowed Connecting for Results to flourish during the pandemic By Nithya Caleb March/April 2023 issue of PrintAction The economic climate is chilly. Many companies are wondering how to move forward. It would be helpful to glean lessons...
Proven Approaches to Solving Labor Challenges

Proven Approaches to Solving Labor Challenges

Securing Gen Z Talent in a Transitioning Workforce Print is not dead, but it sure is hard to find enough employees to run the presses! In their recent article, “The Great Attrition is Making Hiring Harder”, McKinsey & Company reported there were 11.3 million open...
Onboard or Overboard?

Onboard or Overboard?

In my previous articles, I’ve focused on current leaders, team members, and employees and what makes for a high-performance organization. But what about future employees and new recruits?Ϯ How do we get them up to speed so they feel welcome, involved, and an effective...
SPOTLIGHT: Gary Forget

SPOTLIGHT: Gary Forget

Behind every great company is a team of great people. At Connecting for Results, our people are the foundation of our business, and we want you to get to know them better. In this series, we’ll be highlighting the many talents of our team members. With expertise...
Happy New Year, Healthy New You?

Happy New Year, Healthy New You?

By now you’ve made your New Year’s resolutions, and at CFR we hope one of them is to accept that our articles help you build a high-performance organization! As part of your reflection, you agree with our principle: High involvement leads to high commitment leads to...
How are you Approaching Diversity in December?

How are you Approaching Diversity in December?

Have you noticed any changes to the ads on your devices lately? Or the use of different pronouns people include under their names on LinkedIn, Zoom, and email signatures to describe themselves (She/Her, He/Him, They/Them)? The above image speaks to many of these...